pi*zazz or piz*zazz n. Informal 1. energy; vitality; vigor. 2. attractive style; dash; flair. [1935-40, Amer.; orig. obscure] Derived words --pi*zazz'y, adj. -------------------------------------------------------------- piz*za n. pl. -zas 1. a baked, open-faced pie consisting of a thin layer of dough topped with tomato sauce and cheese, and often peppers, sausage, mushrooms, etc.Also called piz'za pie'. [1930-35; < It pizza (var. pitta), perh. ult. < Gk; cf. pétea bran, petítes bran bread] -------------------------------------------------------------- piz*ze*ri*a n. pl. -ri*as 1. a restaurant or bakery where pizzas are made and sold. [1940-45; < It, = pizz (a) PIZZA + -eria - ERY]